Your Most Important Business-Building Asset over the Long Term (Hint: The Money is in the List)

Posted by Jason "Wally" Waldron

January 14, 2023

It was an early summer day, and I had just moved to a new town. Without an office to go to, I looked up from behind the steering wheel of my car and noted the time: 7:23am. Parked in a Safeway parking lot, I felt weird. Not only was I sitting there, bleary eyed, waiting for the Starbucks coffee to kick in, I felt cramped.

I moved my seat back to make room to allow me to type on my laptop and create a makeshift office. Over the course of the next few minutes, as the caffeine began to percolate from my brain to my fingers, I composed a set of brief emails and messages to send out to my list. By the end of the day, from these simple messages, I had raised five figures of startup capital for an e-Commerce company. The money was in the bank a few days later.

A few years earlier, working with one of my clients, we achieved similar magic. With a single set of emails and messages, written briefly over an hour or two and sent out over the course of three days, we brought in nearly $100k of new revenue. The moment the emails went out, the phones were ringing off the hook. Within a couple hours, they were sold-out of their new offer.

What made these cash infusions possible in such a short period of time? Was it magic? Of course not.

It was this: We were communicating with our old friends. We were milling the gold from our lists.

The value of having a buyer’s list is hard to overstate. Note that I said, Buyers list… not leads list.

You already know that customer acquisition is the lifeblood of any company. When you have a list of colleagues, clients, and partners who already know, like, and trust you and your brand, a similar power is at your fingertips. The key to sustained growth from profits comes from your prospects becoming customers, and then nurturing them into lifelong customers. Before long, they may even become raving, lunatic fans of you and your brand.

In my book Exitology™, you’ll discover how to change your leads into lifelong customers. As you do, you will build an asset for growth that you can tap for revenue again and again. Used correctly, these strategies can grow to become your unfair advantage in today’s marketplace.

Jason “Wally” Waldron is the secret weapon behind owners, founders, and CEOs of B2B companies who use his unique profit acceleration strategies to grow faster and maximize the value of their business. When these owners feel trapped in their businesses, he applies Exitology™ so they can buy back their time and freedom. He’s published a book on how to profitably grow to exit your business in the next 3-5 years. Grab your copy here.