Unlocking Both Sides of Your Brain to Grow the Value of Your Business

Posted by Jason "Wally" Waldron

January 14, 2023

The other day a friend of mine sent me a video made by a brain scientist who had the chance of a lifetime: She had suffered a stroke. Now, to you and me, this is not the chance of a lifetime. This is tragic.

However, she had a great attitude and thought, “Awesome, how many brain scientists get to study themselves while having a stroke!” So, for starters, she gave us a great example to follow: Make the best out of your situation.

She revealed some really interesting ways about how the brain works. She learned a lot about the brain, and now we can too. For instance, did you know that at our highest level, we basically have two separate brains?

The left and right brain are mostly physically separate. If you take the brain out, hold it on a tray, you can almost split the brain in half without cutting anything. Really amazing.

Your left brain is linear and thinks in terms of past and future. It is the logic side of your brain, and it thinks in language and details. This is your structure.

The right side of your brain is caught up in the present—it thinks in pictures, and it learns by doing. This is the side of your brain that holds your creativity, the one that is stimulated when you “get in a state of flow.” This is your emotion.

When you connect the two, and you impart your story into another human’s brain, you are literally having a “structured, emotional conversation.”

And this is where the foundation of all winning marketing campaigns, and your untapped revenue drivers, are found.

All successful business happens because of a conversation based on relationships and trust.

A good relationship enhancer will automatically position you as the valued expert, as the trusted resource, and as the go to solution.

This serves to allow you to escape having to sell people on you, your product, or service. Instead, it allows your prospect to insert themselves into the story and vision, and see how they, too, could participate in the benefits you are offering.

Leveraging the Structured, Emotional Conversation for Fun and Profit

Imagine for a moment… what would it take to build a marketing campaign that stroked both sides of your prospects’ brains? After all, if we know that all humans buy with emotion and justify with logic, all of your marketing has to hit both of these areas of the brain to be effective.

Here are a few items that a good marketing campaign would have to include to stimulate both sides of the brain:

  • Interactivity (right brain)
  • Pictures (right brain)
  • Descriptive captions under pictures (left brain)
  • Easy to use navigation and calls to action (left brain)
  • Quality writing that emotionally moves your prospect (right brain)
  • Stimulating colors (right brain)

There is so much more that we could add to the list.

A multi-touch, multimedia, multi-channel marketing campaign that stimulates both sides of the brain is paramount as you seek to grow your business. In fact, this is one small part of a proven methodology, known as Exitology™, that is empowering business owners to triple their business profit and 3x their wealth creation without working harder.  Click here to discover more. 

Jason “Wally” Waldron is the secret weapon behind owners, founders, and CEOs of B2B companies who use his unique profit acceleration strategies to grow faster and maximize the value of their business. When these owners feel trapped in their businesses, he applies Exitology™ so they can buy back their time and freedom. He’s published a book on how to profitably grow to exit your business in the next 3-5 years. Grab your copy here.