The $750 Glass of Scotch

Posted by Jason "Wally" Waldron

January 19, 2023

A few years ago, on a Monday night after a long afternoon of filming and hanging out with some fellow marketers, I found myself sitting at an English pub that had somehow been plucked right out of Great Britain itself and plopped right down in the middle of downtown Denver.

Four of us walked in at about 8:58pm and were promptly greeted by the stern warning: “If you want to get dinner, you have less than five minutes to order. The kitchen is about to close, and once it closes, it’s closed for good.”

No smile, no hello, just the facts. It really felt like true British hospitality.

We sat down, and immediately ordered as fast as we could. The only thing was, we had come looking for burgers. What we found instead were something called Wimpys. Someone explained to us that Wimpy is English for burger. Must have something to do with World War 2.

So, after ordering up a fast couple of Wimpys, we began to check out the drink menu.

We were about to discover something very special. This English pub is known for one very specific thing, one thing that makes it unique and creates a mystique around it. One thing that makes it no other place on earth.

And that is… its scotch selection. To my right was a giant wall of glass bottles, all containing a different type of scotch.

We were given two drink menus. One for beer (very thin, two pages). Then a much larger, thicker, heftier, leather-bound scotch list. Running my finger down the list, I noticed hundreds upon hundreds of scotches from which to choose. And then I noticed the prices of each glass.

Five dollars.

Nine dollars.

Seventeen dollars. The scotch brands are listed in a column, so customers can scan quickly down the side and see the names and prices and select their perfect drink.

As customers reach page three, there is a glaring bulge on the price side of the page. Reading down the list and all of a sudden there is a glass of scotch priced at $750. Yes, seven-hundred and fifty dollars!

At first, I thought this had to be a joke. It wasn’t.

Later as the night went on, I found myself standing outside talking to the guy who ran the place. I asked him about the $750 glass of scotch. Has anyone ever bought a glass of this special scotch?

No, he said. In fact, he had been working there for three years and the bottle was still sealed

“Why do you have this bottle then if nobody drinks it?” I asked.

“It’s so we can say that we have the biggest selection of scotch in this region.”

It is what makes them special.

Every business, even yours, has something just like this bottle of scotch. Something that makes it special, memorable, unique, and attractive to your market. Within this uniqueness is a cornerstone of your irresistible offer. This cornerstone is often your competitive advantage, and your competitive moat.

There are many ways to present your irresistible offer.

The most important thing is to remember the psychology behind it.

After all, we are just a bunch of humans standing around the campfire telling stories about hunting and gathering. Except today, the campfire is your phone, your device, a book, an event, and more.

Over the years I have seen countless offers, presented multiple ways. Not all of them are created equally.

The ones that bring in floods of sales and profits have often been crafted by the refining nature of the marketplace itself and are often the result of countless hours of endless, grinding work.

Thankfully, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Forget the endless treadmill of hustle and grind, hoping one day you’ll retire.

There is no need to throw the best years of your life away, enslaved to your business.

What if you could triple the value of your business and discover your path to freedom by making a few small changes over the next six months? With Exitology™ you can follow a step-by-step guide to profitably exit your business in the next 3-5 years. You’ll find a link in the subhead above.

Jason “Wally” Waldron is the secret weapon behind owners, founders, and CEOs of B2B companies who use his unique profit acceleration strategies to grow faster and maximize the value of their business. When these owners feel trapped in their businesses, he applies Exitology™ so they can buy back their time and freedom. He’s published a book on how to profitably grow to exit your business in the next 3-5 years. Grab your copy here.